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I.I.M.U.N’s National Youth Day Celebrations with Chief of Defense Staff

I.I.M.U.N’s National Youth Day Celebrations with Chief of Defense Staff

Mr. Ajay Piramal, Gen. Anil Chauhan and Shaan (left to right) with students in the background.

Indias International Movement to Unite Nations is a youth run non profit organisation which was founded in 2011 by a then 19 year old boy- Rishabh Shah. I.I.M.U.N. acts as a leadership development and public affairs platform that focuses on conducting programs, activities and engagements to build conscientious citizens by spreading the idea of India.

They do this working with 100,000+ schools across 220 cities in India and 35 countries and more so across various socio economic backgrounds. 

Keeping up with their vision and as a part of the 19,000+ annual engagements they put together, I.I.M.U.N organized a National Youth Day celebrations which saw India’s Chief of Defense Staff, Gen Anil Chauhan address the organisation. Organised on Thursday, 16th January, 2025 at Bal Gandharv Auditorium in Bandra, Mumbai- 750+ students from 65+ schools attended the event. It was also streamed live and about 30,000+ students saw it live on various social media platforms. 

Speaking at the event, Gen Anil Chauhan recalled Swami Vivekananda’s teaching and said “The youth of our country are the torchbearers of tomorrow, India’s youth can truly unite the world and I commend the work done by I.I.M.U.N. in that direction”. Apart from the speech he had a moderated conversation with the founder – Rishabh Shah and thereafter took questions from the students.   

Also present at the occasion was Board member of I.I.M.U.N & Chairperson of Piramal Group- Mr. Ajay Piramal who gave the opening address to an energetic audience. Noted singer, advisor and supporter of the non profit- Shaan sang the national anthem. The event ended with a vote of thanks was a very touching one given by a young 20 year old girl who was once a participant in Srinagar and then has over the last 5 years risen to the leadership team- Amber Fatima who spoke about her Idea of India.